Friday, February 29

The Journey Begins...In Two Months

So, in exactly two months, I will be stepping on a plane towards my first overseas trip. I will be going to England and Wales and will not be able to see even a tenth of what I wish I could. The saddest thing is that I will not be able to see Scotland at all this trip--there's just not enough time!

I have my itinerary pretty much set, and all of my hostels and hotels are booked. The plan is to leave Orlando on April 29th. I'll arrive in London's Gatwick Airport on April 30th. From there, I'll make way to London's city center via Victoria Station and then to my first hostel, the Astor Victoria.

I'm having high hopes for this place. It's close to a lot of the main attractions in London. I should be able to walk to Hyde Park, the British Museum, the London Eye, etc. That'll both give me the chance to see the sights more personally and save me some cash.

I'll be in London a full 4 days, including the day I arrive. That Sunday, I'll take a train and go to Bath for a half day taking pictures of ancient Roman architecture. I could spend a full day, but I wanted a chance to get to Cardiff before late, so that I could find and check into my next hostel. In Cardiff, I'll spend 1 1/2 days geeking out, visiting all of those places where Doctor Who and Torchwood film.

On the 6th of May I'll leave early in the morning for Caernarfon in northern Wales. There's supposed to be an cool castle there, plus it's just in a beautiful area. The next morning, I'll take a trek to Llanberis and Snowdon Mountain, where I'll go the summit of the tallest mountain in England and Wales by train.

From there, I'll leave for Blackpool, probably getting there in the early evening. I'll be staying in the Carlee Hotel, my one and only private room for my trip. It looks like a lovely place, so those two nights will be something to look forward to. While in Blackpool, I'll do one more geeky thing and visit the Doctor Who Mueseum. After that, I'll go have dorky fun at by going on rides, playing games, and seeing a drag show, Funny Girls.

After Blackpool, I'll head back south, stopping at Stratford-upon-Avon, because you can not visit England and not see the home of the Bard. I'll probably try to catch a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company, if I haven't already seen one in London. After I'm done with Stratford, I'll head back down to London for the evening. The next day I will visit Stonehenge and/or the henge at Avebury. Those won't take more than a morning, so I'll probably hop down to another locale near London for the last half of the day, the end of my trip, because the next morning I'll be off home to Orlando.